The research process for the Intersection series has yielded a plethora resources related to espionage, reconnaissance, intelligence, counterintelligence, special ops, military intelligence, etc. (...which would have been incredibly helpful for a fact-checking writer seeking authenticity to find all in one place, but c'est la vie). 

While my custom compilation is primarily focused on topics related to the Intersection storylines, the resources in this section have been extended to create a sort of SpyWiki for the non-fiction aspects of the series.


The foreign language and slang phrases used throughout the Intersection series do not require a literal translation to grasp the sentiment that each usage means to communicate. That said, for those interested in the literal translations, the Translation Table links below will take you to a chapter-by-chapter listing of the phrases used, the chapter(s) they were used in and the English translation.
Arabic is the most common foreign language to be sprinkled into character dialogue, but there is also a dash of Irish and Welsh used. Like English, there are many dialects of Arabic – where possible, interpretations from Egyptian Arabic or Emirati dialect were preferred (depending on the character's origins). 

The slang used by English speaking characters spans British, Irish, Welsh and (of course) American. Using American English as the translation baseline, the British/Irish/Welsh Translation Table (though likely less illuminating than the Arabic table) may also be of interest (or at least entertaining).

Finally, the Culture-Based Nomenclature table provides a translation of terminology that is used (or will likely be used) by Intersection characters coming from different English-speaking cultures. (Note: “American” terms are based primarily on a neutral American dialect, occasionally Midwestern American).
Click and explore:



Books (Fiction, Non-fiction, Memoirs)

Institutions (Military, Gov't, Political, NGO)

Historical Figures 




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